Thursday, 31 August 2017

Ranka with Roger Watson


like marbles under my pillow 

steal my sleep

though blinded by stars

the gift of sleep comes

winter nights

even the lice on my cat 

are awake

yet shooting stars streak

across the summer sky

my forehead 

sparks with sweat 

in summer nights

the chill wind blowing outside

rattles the icicles on my window

Saturday, 26 August 2017

 1. Stupas in Bagan
     reflect their history
     in silence.

2. a kind sunbeam
    lets tear drops on her face
    spark fearlessly.

3. among busy cars
    children beg for money
    on the road of Burma
4. Yangon
     is painted red by

5. the true face
    of the clown is hidden
    under his grin.

Saturday, 19 August 2017

a tiny puddle

with pride,reflects the sky

while it lasts.

a strong wind

makes dead leaves alive 

as it lives.

The grass 

shares its morning dew

on my feet.

a cloud 

shelters the mountain 


Kite in the sky

the string in my hands 

holds its fate.

the chimes gurgles 

with the breeze 

spit into the wind.

last night rain 

like a talkative wife 

disturbed my sleep.

the sun is up

my shadow 

lies flat.

a busy bee

buzzing on for food

annoys my ears.

dusky skies

fireflies dancing 

frogs croak.

Mustaches on his chin 

move up and down 

as he talks.

stupas in Bagan

reflecting their history 

in silence.

waves giggles

at dizzy ships

barely moving.

flute whistles

at the old man's mouth

seagulls dance.

Alas! a vine

acting like a snake

stopped my running.

The grass shares

Its morning dew 

on my feet.


falling for silence 

I am aged.

silence is gold

when everything is 

in harmony.


the silence

I make no sound.

the poet 

celebrates little things 

like a child.

my companion

the sound of my breath 

in and out.

silence amplifies 

the sound of dew drops 

the loudest at night.

silent nights

her teeth grinding 

I wish to be deaf.

like mirrors

his haikus reflect

upon himself.


writes haikus

in my brain.

lockdown season only one frog in my pond  african violets all blooming towards the sun  far, far away  stage 4 restrictions but flowers  blo...