Monday, 19 June 2017

with waving branches
The tree whispers to the wind
Good morning, darling.

Forgiving steps and shit
The grass still feeds the bird
With arms open.

with fading color
My shoes wait faithfully
For our next run.

Sitting face to face
Television is too shy
sofa waits and waits.

sky-touching buildings
start to sing a lively song
welcoming the sun.

feet grounded
the buildings stand in silence
for the sky has a black mood.

embracing dead leaves
the pavement whispers
may you rest in peace.

toilet bowl giggles
When urine drips into it
signaling the drain.

Friday, 2 June 2017

10k race haiku!

10K race tonight
I know you can do it right
just take it easy.

army camps haiku!

flooded army camps
oily water and smelly drains
thunderstorms its way.

summer house haiku!

it is summer now
cozy, comfy, summer house
Buddha at the door.

3 frogs haiku

3 frogs in the pond
they are big, shy and fast ones
male, female, no clue.

frog haiku!

a green grass frog pond
I saw a frog swimming there
with "plop" it is gone.

a frog from coach's frog pond.

intimacy haiku.

Intimacy, sex
some said real pleasure of life
does it still matter.

curiosity haiku!

to know more about Justine
has made me read on.

Justine Haiku.

Justine, a woman
full of mystery and life
is hard to describe.

day-dream haiku

a day-dreaming mind
floats along the waves of clouds
a million-worth thought.

mental illness haiku!

suicidal tendency
John Forbes Nash, a Nobel Prize–winning mathematician who was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Brain haiku!

occipital lobe
medualla oblongata
temporal fossa.

medical haiku.

renal insufficiency

renal system haiku!

the vasca recta
with contercurrent exchange
balance chemicals.

crazy haiku!

haikuing is fun
addicted and amusing
syllables, crazy.

busy coach haiku.

coach, super busy
reading, listening, typing
with all at one go.

virgin train haiku!

virgin, the first class
stretching his tall legs all out
enjoying his wine.

aphasic haiku!

global aphasic
unable to understand
starts a whole new world.

color haiku!

sweet smile, bitter life
though the grass seems greener there
prefer sour life here.

drunk haiku!

A Gin and tonic
Promise me two beers a day
Brandy on the rock.

lockdown season only one frog in my pond  african violets all blooming towards the sun  far, far away  stage 4 restrictions but flowers  blo...