Thursday, 25 May 2017

My first drawing haiku!

I wanted to draw

I choose to draw an apple 

I hope it looks fine.

Writer's haiku

the true writer whose 

freedom beyond boundaries

nourishes our souls!

Painter's haiku

A painter whose stroke

can make every scene alive, light

and colours our guide!

idiom haiku 6

I remind you, it

comes with the territory

just suck it and see.

idiom haiku 5

all over the shop

They said to me that I am

One, Jack of all trades

idiom haiku 4

I have no brass neck

I just cut my teeth here first

La la land, no thanks.

idiom haiku 3

If the coast is clear

Different kettle of fish

It is sky diving.

tongue twister haiku

Santa's short suit shrunk

say it quick, not twisting tongue

Santa's short suit shrunk!

idiom haiku 2

Be off the radar

cyberchondriac, mind game

air kissing click-bait.

idiom haiku 1

no matter what, I

wear my heart upon my sleeves

and thou shall be pleased.

conversation haiku

thought-provoking thought

supposed only doctorates

know how to converse.

Bomb Haiku

Bombs blast all around

Served well since Song Dynasty

May you rest in peace.

lockdown season only one frog in my pond  african violets all blooming towards the sun  far, far away  stage 4 restrictions but flowers  blo...